Monday, January 30, 2012

My trip to LA!!!! day 16

I can not express how much I wanted to take so many plants and flowers home with me in my suitcase. Amazing!!! some super tall some picky and not so nice to touch and others so colorful. My favorite were what I call my fox tails... I have no idea what they really where but I fell in love with them.

My trip to LA!!!! day 15

I have always been a fan of architecture but I think I am sheltered from many of the great buildings of the world. Green Bay, WI is great and all but the buildings are lacking interest and beauty and for the most part were built to serve a purpose and never look good. California topped the charts with amazing buildings. They used different shapes and textures it was great to look at them all. I still question how they can even build some of the one's I seen but truly appreciate the work that went into these great pieces of work.

My trip to LA!!!! day 14

Doors to some people might just be a door, but to me it is a preview of what secrets might be hiding behind. Its the first impression someone makes before they even enter your house, or place of business. I loved this door and the bright blue paint. At times I wonder what was behind it but for now I think my imagination is having way  to much fun not knowing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My trip to LA!!!! day 13

I found this photo before I found some city lights, and I had to share it. I thought it was the most amazing plant coming from such a small source but I bet it has taken a very long time to grow and cover so much area. The pink and the yellow worked so well together too. Next time I will have to go inside this place for sure.

My trip to LA!!!! day 12

One more amazing palm tree photo before I move on to some city lights

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My trip to LA!!!! day 11

I love where I live even though I hate winter Clay has began to show me different fun activity's to make me appreciate all the different seasons. California however has the best of both worlds, great weather almost all the time.  I am a sandals girl and would much rather leave the hats and mittens boxed up for good. Here you have the option to take a short drive to the beach or to the snowy mountains, not to many places you have that luxury. Did I forgot to mention the palm trees, o how do I love them so much. I would take palm trees any day over pine trees.

My trip to LA!!!! day 10

I loved all the bright vibrant colors in LA, but even with this said there was something special about this  artist. These paintings were by far my favorite and I loved how they covered the whole block. It was really neat to stand in the middle of the intersection and see all his work at once.